Photographer Mustafa Gülek brought the earthquake he himself experienced and what he witnessed in Antakya for ten months to a wider audience in the photo exhibition ‘Between Ruins and Rebirth’.
The exhibition, which we are happy to be among its supporters, received visitors simultaneously in Paris, Kiel, and Istanbul between February 6, 2024 and February 25, 2024. Derya Gümüş Türkoğlu, one of the members of the Board of Directors of Buradayız Hatay Association, attended the exhibition in Paris on behalf of our association.

We would like to thank Batuhan Akçakaya, Deputy Consul General of the Consulate General of Paris, the contributing associations, Mr. Demir Demir Fıtrat Onger, President of the Paris Anatolian Cultural Center, La Boheme Magazine, and the Children of Antakya Association for their kind invitation.