We said “We are here” a year ago, with the strength we derive from our endless love for Hatay, the ancient city that has always existed throughout history and will continue to exist from now on! We are celebrating our first anniversary with excitement!
In a short time, we were proud to provide scholarships to 100 students, provide in-kind support to dozens of tradesmen, and organize countless workshops and events for many people living in Hatay, especially children 📚🎨
In fact, all of these are people who believe in us on this path and say “We are here too!” in different ways. It was made possible with our supporters and volunteers who said 🌍🙏
We worked for a year to bring Hatay back to its feet with solidarity and love. We stood by our youth, tradesmen and all the people of Hatay who look to the future with hope 💪
On the first anniversary of our association, we would like to express our endless gratitude to everyone who believes and partners in our mission of restoring Hatay. Together, to many more years and a stronger Hatay!
With love and excitement,
Buradayız Hatay Association